Step 3: Use the Harris-Benedict equation to measure calories burned at rest (men use step 4, women use step 5).Step 2: Get your height in centimeters by multiplying your height in inches by 2.54.Step 1: Get your weight in kilograms by dividing your weight in pounds by 2.2.The only three factors you need to know for that are your weight, intensity of play, and time spent on the court. Jeor equation, which is more accurate for people who are lean or overweight.Īfter calculating calories burned at rest, you can add to that the number of calories burned from playing pickleball. The first is the Harris-Benedict equation, which is less accurate if you’re very lean or overweight. The first step to figuring out how much energy you’re burning during pickleball is to estimate your calories burned at rest.
#Easytime pickleball paddle how to
Guide: How to Calculate Your Calories Burned in Pickleball Duration of Activity: The harder you work during a given activity, the greater number of calories you’ll burn.That’s because it takes more energy to maintain a larger body. Weight: Generally speaking, people who weigh more burn more energy at rest.Plus, taller people lose heat faster, which means they might use more energy to stay warm. Bigger organs require more energy to function. Height: Taller people tend to have proportionally larger organs than their shorter counterparts.As intensity goes up, so does energy expenditure. This is generally the case with exercise. Intensity: The harder you play, the more calories you’ll burn.Additionally, men tend to burn more calories during activity. This is at least partially due to men having more lean body mass on average. Sex: On average, men burn more calories at rest than women.

Staying in shape can help, but most people will burn fewer calories at rest when they’re older.

Smartwatches give you a rough estimate of the number of calories you’ve burned during a workout, or even as you’re sitting on the couch. Throughout this article, we'll use this information to guide how you can calculate your calories burned while playing your favorite paddle sport.

Few sports are as welcoming as Pickleball, which makes you wonder if it’s a good workout. Whether you’re 8 years old or 80, you can play a match with relatively little risk of injury.