It’s slang for the word underwear in Spanish. Scented Candles This candle reads, 'ID PUNCH A B FOR YOU,' in a fun way. Question: What is the BEST gag gift you’ve ever gotten/given or heard of? I also like getting him completely random/inappropriate cards for his birthday like “Congratulations on your Christening!” or “Happy Birthday Princess”. On Christmas morning he was half asleep pulling things out of his stocking and slowly unfolded the worst girly pink underwear in the world. I remember folding them up very carefully so it wouldn’t be obvious at first. See more ideas about gag gifts christmas, gag gifts, gifts. One year I found this ridiculous pair of pink chonies at the 99 cent store. Explore My blog my lifes board 'Gag gifts christmas', followed by 16,721 people on Pinterest. In the past I’ve given him Pepto Bismo (which he was actually happy about! Ha!) and other randomness. Our family has a tradition of getting something small for everyone’s Christmas stockings. We have a long history of getting each other gag gifts. Below, we outlined 35 white elephant ideas. And funny enough, everyone always leaves with something they love. So, I’d say it’s like a glass of wine that tastes like a margarita? I might have added a splash of tequila because as a Mexican it was the right thing for me to do A white elephant party makes you forget everything you know about holiday gifting. Surprisingly it was good! It’s a wine based margarita (so it totally doesn’t count as one) with 10% alcohol. When he gave it to me he said, “Because I know you wanna be skinny… good luck… and because it was at the dollar store…” Homemade Holiday Gag Gifts Reindeer or Snowman Poop Dropped Cookies Spider Killing Kit Battery Gag Cozy Christmas Slippers Worlds Hardest Puzzle Magic. Barbuzzo tricerataco taco holder - Add a prehistoric. My brother bought it for me as a gag gift recently. Toilet paper word search - Inject a bit of fun into toilet time with a novelty gift toilet paper roll. I had fun dinner plans (extra fun because I wasn’t driving) so I tried this weird Ivanna B Skinny Margarita while I waited.

I wanted to just stay and play but headed home to work and pack and all that fun stuff. This gift is sure to lift spirits and bring some animation to the table. Yesterday I headed to my fam’s for some official business. A classic angle for a funny Christmas gift is to take something that is usually sweet and add a dash of dry, dark humor. 50 at Amazon Whats wackier than the wacky inflatable arms guy Exactly, nothing. (Waking up ridic early when you don’t have to is not cool.) Hello! It’s super early here and I have some time before the sun comes up to get out and run so I thought I’d say hello to you nice people.